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Volunteer Agreement
Duties and Responsibilities
In consideration of this opportunity to volunteer, I agree to the following terms and conditions, intending to be legally bound by them:
1. I am undertaking this work as a volunteer for the Cocker Spaniel Adoption Center Inc. (hereinafter referred to as CSAC), with no expectation of remuneration.
2. I will abide by the mission, rules, regulations, policies, and programs of CSAC while I am a volunteer.
3. I will not have a person outside the CSAC temporarily care for CSAC animals (i.e. a show visitor, pet sitter, neighbor, relative) unless the person first signs a Hold Harmless Agreement to hold CSAC, its officers and volunteers harmless in the event of injury or mishap. In the case of an adoption, an Adoption Agreement is to be signed.
4. If I suspend volunteer activities, or upon CSAC's request at any time, I will promptly return all CSAC supplies, equipment, records, moneys and other items in good, clean condition.
5. In the event that my volunteer responsibilities include access to CSAC data, I will not copy, download or reproduce data for any purpose other than that required by CSAC, and in accordance with the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
Liability and Indemnification
6. I assume the risks of all injuries by dogs and puppies or other CSAC animals in connection with my volunteer work for CSAC. The CSAC organization, officers, volunteers, veterinary hospitals, boarding facilities, and facilities hosting adoption and other CSAC events contracted by CSAC are not liable to me for any injuries, damages, liabilities, losses, judgments, costs or expenses which I might suffer or sustain in connection to the performance of my volunteer activities for CSAC unless they are the result of CSAC's gross negligence or intentional misconduct.
7. I will indemnify, defend and hold CSAC, veterinary hospitals, boarding facilities, and facilities hosting adoption and other CSAC events contracted by CSAC harmless from and against any claims, lawsuits, injuries, damages, losses, costs or expenses sustained by any companion animal or any person in connection with my intentional misconduct or grossly negligent performance of volunteer activities for CSAC, or my breach of CSAC's rules, regulations, policies and programs.
8. I agree to maintain confidentiality about my dealings with CSAC, and refrain from comment to third parties regarding the organization, its officers, and its volunteers for a period of three years, unless given consent by CSAC, from the date of the end of this Agreement.
I agree to all the terms stated above. I will abide by them and not dispute or take issue with them in any way.
Any modification to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties. This Agreement is binding upon CSAC, CSAC's representatives, me and my respective heirs, successors, assigns, executors and personal representatives.
All disputes will be settled with respect to the laws of the state of Maryland.
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This is my digital signature. I am accepting the terms of the Volunteering Agreement by signing this agreement.
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